Guaranteed Admission FAQs
Y1 FAQs: GA Requirements
You are guaranteed admission to the Rotman Commerce program for your second year, on the condition that you meet the following requirements:
1. Complete RSM100H1, Introduction to Management, with a mark of at least 67%.
2. Complete ECO101H1, Principles of Microeconomics, and ECO102H1, Principles of Macroeconomics, each with a mark of at least 63%. Students must obtain a grade of at least 63% in each of these two courses and are not able to average out the marks between the two. Note that ECO101H is a prerequisite for ECO102H.
3. Complete MAT133Y1, Calculus and Linear Algebra for Commerce with a mark of at least 63%, OR MAT135H1 with a final mark of at least 60% AND MAT136H1 with a final mark of at least 60%, OR MAT137Y1 with a final mark of at least 55%, OR MAT157Y1 with a final mark of at least 55%.
4. Accumulate a minimum of 4.0 credits.
5. All of the above must be completed within your first year of studies (by the end of the summer session) in order to maintain your Guaranteed Admission status.
Yes, you can repeat a GA required course.
If you fail a GA course, you may repeat it in Winter or Summer session. Just remember that you need to complete all of your GA requirements by the end of Summer session (August), so you may need to adjust your summer plans if you need to repeat a course.
If you pass a course, but do not meet the minimum grade requirement, you are allowed to repeat the course one time only. For example, if you take ECO101H with a final grade of 55% on your first attempt, you can repeat it once. If you get a final grade of 60% on your 2nd attempt, you are not allowed to take the course again and you will lose your Guaranteed Admission.
Advice: If you think you may need to repeat a course, it’s a good idea to add the course again on ACORN for the next session (before you know your final grade). If you end up meeting the GA requirement, you can drop the course. If not, you will have a secured space in the course.
Once your final grade is posted, you are not able to add a repeated course on ACORN. You will need to contact your College Registrar’s Office or RC academic advisor to help you add the course.
You may request an LWD through your College Registrar’s office anytime after the regular drop date until the last day of classes in a session.
If you think you may fail a course or you realize you will not meet the grade requirement in a GA course, you should consider using an LWD instead of writing the final exam.
The prerequisite for ECO102H is ECO101H.
If you pass ECO101H, but do not meet the minimum program requirement (i.e. final grade is between 50-62%), then you have 3 options to consider:
1) You can repeat ECO101H in the winter semester and take ECO102H in the summer.
2) You can take ECO102H in the winter semester and take ECO101H in the first half of the summer session.
3) You can take both ECO101H and ECO102H in the winter semester. This is not usually recommended. In this case, it would be advisable to drop an RSM course, ie. one of RSM219H/RSM250H/RSM230H and plan to take that course in your 2nd year. You should not take more than five courses in a semester when trying to complete your GA requirements.
Each student may opt for their own preference and should weigh the pros and cons to make a decision that is best for them. If you’re unsure, make an appointment with an RC academic advisor via the RC Portal to talk about the options.
It depends….
If you pass a GA required course, but do not meet the grade requirement, then your lower grade will be marked as Extra and appear as EXT on your transcript once you have taken the course a second time. It’s important to note that you may repeat a passed course one time only as an extra credit.
If you fail the course on your first attempt, both the first and subsequent final grades will be factored into your CGPA.
The preliminary course list for summer will be available in January and the full timetable becomes available in February. Course registration opens on March 1st. There are two sessions in the summer, First (F), May-June, and Second (S), July-August. A ‘Y’ course, eg. MAT133Y, runs from the beginning of the F term to the end of the S term, ie. May – August. Courses in the summer are condensed compared to a typical fall and winter semester so you can expect the pace of the summer courses to be twice as fast.
The preliminary course list and Summer Timetable will be posted on the A&S website once they are available.

Please book an appointment with an RC Academic Advisor via the RC Portal as soon as you think you may not meet the GA requirements. An advisor can work with you to make a plan going forward and provide supporting resources, should you need them. In some exceptional cases, students can request an extension in order to complete their GA requirements, but this is done in consultation with an advisor at Rotman Commerce.
If you have any questions about the GA requirements, need to repeat a GA course, or especially if you’re not sure you will be able to meet the GA required grade in any of the courses, you should make an appointment to talk to an RC academic advisor as soon as possible. Appointments can be made on the RC Portal under ‘Advising’.
Advisors can also help you with course and program planning for your second year and beyond as well as help answer any other questions you have about Rotman Commerce, UofT, and completing your degree. They can help connect you with the many services on campus to make the most of your time at Rotman Commerce.
Please consult your student accounts invoice found on ACORN, where you can view information such as minimum payment. Additional questions about financial concerns should be directed to your College Registrar’s office. Please refer to Academic Dates & Deadlines in order to view tuition fee payment/deferral deadlines.
Yes – any payment you make now will count towards your Y2 Rotman Commerce fees. Once you have met your GA requirements and have accepted the invitation into your Specialist program, you will see additional fees reflected on your student account – those are higher, deregulated Rotman Commerce fees, and will need to be paid in early October to avoid service charges.
To better understand Rotman Commerce fees, please consult the Tuition and Fees page of our website. Once you’ve reviewed the information on this page, please book an appointment with a Rotman Commerce academic advisor to ask any questions you may have. We’re here to help!