Rotman Commerce student groups
Rotman Commerce has many student groups that organize a variety of events each year. Each organization strives to support and encourage team-based leadership that is inclusive, empowering, collaborative, purposeful and ethical. Visit the links below to find out more about each group, their mandate, their executive members, upcoming events, and available positions.
Student union:
Academic associations:
- Rotman Commerce Accounting Society (RCAS) | Instagram | Facebook
- Rotman Commerce Business Design Association (RCBDA) | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn
- Rotman Commerce Consulting Association (RCCA) | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn
- Rotman Commerce Entrepreneurship Organization (RCEO) | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn | Podcast IG | Podcast Anchor
- Rotman Commerce Finance Association (RCFA) | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn
- Rotman Commerce Innovation Group (RCIG) | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn
- Rotman Commerce International Business Association (RCIBA) | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn
- Rotman Commerce Law Association (RCLA) | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn
- Rotman Commerce Marketing Association (RCMA) | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn
Interest groups:
- Black Rotman Commerce (BRC) | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn
- Rotman Commerce Arts Group (RCAG) | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube
- Rotman Commerce Charity Group (RCCG) | LinkedIn
- Rotman Commerce Entertainment & Media (RCEM) | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | TikTok | YouTube
- Rotman Commerce Fashion Group (RCFG) | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn
- Rotman Commerce FinTech Association (RCFTA) | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn | Podcast | Journal
- Rotman Commerce Human Resources Association (RCHRA) | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn
- Rotman Commerce Insurance Association (RCIA) | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn
- Rotman Commerce Non-Profit Network (RCNPN) | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn
- Rotman Commerce Pride Alliance (RCPA) | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn
- Rotman Commerce Real Estate Association (RCREA) | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn
- Rotman Commerce Sales Group (RCSG) | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn
- Rotman Commerce Students in Sports (RCSS) | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn
- Rotman Commerce Sustainable Business (RCSB) | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn | TikTok
- Rotman Commerce Trading Group (RCTG) | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn
- Rotman Commerce Women in Business (RCWIB) | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn | TikTok
Community clubs:
- Blues in Commerce | Instagram | Facebook
- Rotman Commerce Liquid Assets Dragon Boat Team (RCLADBT) | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn
- Rotman Commerce Toastmasters (RCT) | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn
Affiliated groups:
- ACE UTSG (formerly DECA UTSG) | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn
- Rational Capital Investment Fund | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn
- University of Toronto Sports and Business Association (UTSB) | Instagram | Twitter | LinkedIn
- University of Toronto Consulting Association (UTCA) | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn
- University of Toronto BizTech (UTBT) | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn | Slack | Newsletter