Credit/No Credit option
You can select up to 2.0 credits of the 20.0 credits required for your degree to be evaluated on a CR/NCR basis. You must obtain a minimum grade of 50% in order to attain credit on a course for which you have opted for CR/NCR.
The last day to opt in or out of CR/NCR is the last day of classes in a given term. To find these dates, refer to the Arts & Science academic dates and deadlines.
CR/NCR and Rotman Commerce specialist programs
The CR/NCR option cannot be applied to courses that are used to fulfill the specific program requirements for your Rotman Commerce specialist. This includes your RSM courses, your Guaranteed Admission courses, any required Economics course(s), including 300+ series economics course(s).
For students completing a Focus, only non-RSM courses used to satisfy the Focus may use the CR/NCR option (e.g. CSC108H for Data Science in Business focus).
In exceptional circumstances, the CR/NCR option may be requested for an RSM course keeping in mind the following restrictions:
- CR/NCR cannot be used for any RSM courses needed to complete the requirements of a Rotman Commerce specialist, including the 8.0 RSM requirement, or Focus
- CR/NCR cannot be used for any RSM course with a group work component
Also, note:
- CR/NCR can be used for any non-RSM electives that are part of your degree
- Courses taken on a CR/NCR basis cannot be used to fulfill program requirements for any Arts & Science specialist/major/minor.
Students must meet with a Rotman Commerce academic advisor if they would like to discuss the CR/NCR option for an RSM course beyond their required RSM courses. You are not able to select the CR/NCR option for RSM courses on ACORN.