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ECO and MAT Study Centres

In addition to the supports offered by our Academic Services staff, the Departments of Economics and Mathematics offer study and learning centres that are open to Rotman Commerce students.

ECO Study Centre

The Department of Economics, supported by Rotman Commerce, offers peer-to-peer support for students enrolled in ECO courses through the ECO Study Centre. Services are free of charge to registered Arts & Science students.

The ECO Study Centre is located in the Department of Economics at Max Gluskin House, 150 St. George St.

Math Learning Centres

The Department of Mathematics provides drop-in centres to help first-year students in their mathematical studies. Tutors are available for math assistance on a one-on-one basis. Services are free of charge to registered Arts & Science students.

There are a number of Math Learning Centres on campus that you can access. Additionally, the Math Department runs a Quercus page for the Math Learning Centres that you can access remotely.


Navi Mental Health Wayfinder