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For students

Collaborate. Lead. Communicate. Develop your core professional skills at Rotman Commerce.

The Centre for Professional Skills was created in 2018 to help all RC students develop a core set of professional skills in the classroom and beyond, so you can succeed during university and in your chosen career field. 

Our supports focus on growing your competencies across 6 broad skill areas:

CPS partners with your instructors to embed the development of professional skills in RC courses throughout the four years of the BCom program. For example, you will complete a CPS online module on Academic Integrity Module (AIM) in RSM100 Introduction to Management, or you will attend a teamwork workshop in RSM219 Introduction to Financial Accounting. You can also learn about providing constructive feedback or developing a growth mindset in some of your upper-year courses. And you can improve your writing and presentation skills by using CPS online resources and in-course workshops.  

You can also reach out to our communications coaches and teamwork mentors directly, to book appointments for support with any of your course or co-curricular work. 

You will find more details about these resources here:  

Navi Mental Health Wayfinder