Focus FAQs: Managing in Diverse Economies
Once you are ‘active’ in one of the 3 Rotman Commerce specialist programs (Accounting, Finance & Economics, Management), you can enroll on ACORN as follows:
- Academics > Enrol & Manage > Programs > Add a Program: Managing in Diverse Economies
- Choose the code that matches your specialist:

Focuses can be added/changed between March and September each year. Enrollment dates and deadlines are listed in the A&S Program toolkit.
The core studies within this focus highlight African, Caribbean and Indigenous cultures and economies. If you have taken a course other than the electives listed for the focus in the A&S Calendar, you may request to have the course accepted towards the focus requirements if you feel it aligns with or complements the study of these diverse economies. Decisions will be at the discretion of the Director, Rotman Commerce.
Please send your written request to
Only courses that are listed as elective course options for the focus in the A&S Calendar will automatically be counted towards fulfilling the focus. If you have taken an elective course that is not on the list that you feel is relevant to the focus, you may make a request to have it considered. Decisions will be at the discretion of the Director, Rotman Commerce.
Please send your written request to
You can find the full course description in the A&S Calendar.
This is the capstone course of the focus “Managing in Diverse Economies”. It is designed to synthesize student learning from the focus, providing an opportunity for students to build on, analyze and apply what they have learned from other chosen courses of the focus. Because the focus itself is broad, students may have taken courses in African, Caribbean and/or Indigenous Studies. This course enables students to pursue further depth in an area of interest.
Pre/Corequisites: ECO324H1/ECO367H1/ECO403H1/POL201H1/POL223H1
An updated course outline will be published each year prior to the start of the Fall term.
Please apply through the course application form found under RSM468Y on the RC unique course opportunities page.
Once accepted, students will be notified and enrolled in the course by the Rotman Commerce office prior to course enrollment start dates in July.