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Ready to regroup: post-midterm strategies for success

If you were unprepared for midterms and/or surprised by your midterm performance, here are some regrouping strategies. Set yourself up for success!

It’s ok if your midterms this semester didn’t go as planned. You can still regroup, develop new study skills, and set yourself up for success in time for next exam season with the following list of tips and strategies.

  1. First things first: if you’ve never taken midterms before, recognize that you now have gone through the experience. Reflect on what went well and identify strategies that did not support your success.
  2. Take the immediate post-midterm period to catch up with friends, catch up on sleep, and catch up on assignments you’d put to the side to focus on midterms.
  3. Create healthy habits. Like working out or eating well, studying effectively and managing your time are habits that can be formed. Worrying about results won’t change them, but reflecting on your habits and taking steps to change your approach can better equip you up for future success.
  4. Recommit to attending and reviewing following each class. Identify main concepts and make note of where you’re unsure. Spend time and energy on reinforcing your understanding and filling those gaps. Regular review is key.
  5. Avail of Office Hours, TA tutoring sessions, and structured tools. Ask questions about previous material that you’ve identified from review (midterms, homework, quizzes, practice exercises, class discussions).
  6. Study Groups: maybe you’ve realized that you need to study with others. Host an “afternoon tea and study with me” party, consider joining a Recognized Study Group via Sidney Smith Commons, or attend drop-ins at the Math Learning Centre, and/or the Economics Study Centre.
  7. Connect with us!
    • Book an academic skills coaching session with Kimberley through RC Portal to help manage your time, strengthen your skills, and build on past successes.
    • Our RC Academic Peers (third year students) have drop-ins on Mondays and Fridays. They can speak from experience about what to expect at RC in Y1 and Y2. Contact them at
  8. To review your options, including dropping a course, using CR/NCR, or Late Withdrawal (LWD), come to drop-in advising on Thursdays or book an appointment on RC Portal to meet with one of our five academic advisors: Rob, Kaki, Priya, Nina, or Kimberley. We are here to help!

November 3, 2022

Navi Mental Health Wayfinder