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RCPA: Encouraging unity, celebrating diversity, and driving change

The Rotman Commerce Pride Alliance not only furthers unity and acceptance on campus, but also rocks the boat with creative events for the 2SLGBTQ+ community and allies.

Among the many threads which make up the tapestry of busy university life at RC, one characteristic that we can always take pride in is our diversity. If you were to ask RC students, many would mention the Rotman Commerce Pride Alliance (RCPA) as an organization that furthers unity, acceptance, and celebration on campus. Throughout the year, RCPA rocks the boat with awesome accomplishments, organizing events that spread joy and inspiring the 2SLGBTQ+ community to stand tall.  

Many faces of pride

In June 2023, during Pride Month, RCPA orchestrated an array of events and collaborations in conjunction with Rotman’s 2SLGBTQ+ community and Toronto at large.  

With the aim of highlighting relevant historical milestones, the student group shared informative Instagram posts on pivotal events, illuminating the trajectory of 2SLGBTQ+ history. 

Demonstrating solidarity with local 2SLGBTQ+ businesses, RCPA also established booths across campus, featuring treats from 2SLGBTQ+-owned establishments and stickers crafted by talented 2SLGBTQ+ artists. All proceeds from these sales were channelled into charitable organizations, further propelling 2SLGBTQ+ causes. 

“To RCPA, Pride Month serves not only as an important period to raise awareness, but also as a time to continue building a community that stands in solidarity with LGBTQ+ individuals.” 

Rotman Commerce Pride Alliance, Diversity & Inclusion Committee 

Embracing the power of storytelling and cinematic representation, RCPA also hosted a screening of the acclaimed film “Pride,” facilitating dialogue and introspection on 2SLGBTQ+ experiences and the quest for equality. This enabled attendees to glean insights into the challenges and victories of the 2SLGBTQ+ community. 

Needless to say, the Pride Parade was also on RCPA’s agenda. Members of the organization’s Events Committee shared why this is important for the group: “Highlighting our unwavering commitment to inclusivity and community engagement, RCPA actively participated in the Pride Parade, standing alongside the broader LGBTQ community in Toronto. This collaborative involvement fostered unity and mutual support among all participants, further strengthening the bonds within the LGBTQ community.” 

RCPA created a Pride Playlist

These recent initiatives took place over the summer, traditionally a time of lower student attendance at events. Over the year ahead, RCPA is looking to increase engagement.

“Those who did participate showed genuine interest and enthusiasm, and we are grateful for the support they had given to us, demonstrating that there is a growing awareness of the importance of inclusivity and diversity in the Rotman community. Moving forward, we hope to see greater engagement from Rotman students who are willing to learn and recognize the experiences of the LGBTQ+ community both in their personal lives and within the business world.” 

Josephine Jiang, BCom ‘25 , President of RCPA 

For the upcoming academic year, RCPA is planning events with the aim of empowering 2SLGBTQ+ students. These occasions will serve as platforms to promote allyship’s impact and enhanced inclusion practices in professional settings, and to make Rotman a safe and welcoming space for the 2SLGBTQ+ community. 

“The enthusiasm and advocacy surrounding Pride shouldn’t be limited to just one month…RCPA intends to…stay connected with LGBTQ+ groups and charities, as well as participate in activities that emphasize the importance of diversity and inclusivity. RCPA is also committed to continuously providing information surrounding LGBTQ+ issues and speaking up against discrimination.” 

Rotman Commerce Pride Alliance, Diversity & Inclusion Committee

Speaking of enthusiasm, the RCPA kicked off the academic year with an event brimming with amusement and camaraderie. The organization recently partnered with Rotman Commerce to welcome students to campus with Pop Culture Trivia Night. This event was carefully curated to fuel participants’ competitive spirit and spotlight their cultural acumen with question categories including movies, music, and tv, plus interactive activities (think memory games, word puzzles, playdoh, painting and more!) Delicious refreshments and the chance to win prizes rounded out the evening as RC students discovered the allyship of the 2SLGBTQ+ community at RC and connected with like-minded peers.

Pop Culture Trivia Night

As well, the flagship TD Panel Discussion (date tbd) serves as a testament to RCPA’s aims. It empowers 2SLGBTQ+ to be more confident in expressing their authentic selves in their professional lives. Josephine Jiang believes relationships with businesses are valuable for the community: “These events also provide opportunities for students to learn about allyship and gain insights into how inclusion practices can be better designed in the workplace.” 

It’s clear that the this student group is creating ripples of change that extend far beyond the campus walls. The organization’s dedication to inclusivity and camaraderie shines bright. The efforts showcased here, from lively events that bring together the 2SLGBTQ+ community to the ongoing commitment to education and activism, paint a vivid picture of RCPA’s impact.

Upcoming RCPA events 

  • TD Panel Discussion (date tbd)

By Azkka Noor | April 6, 2023

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