Going for gold: first-year track and field standout joins Varsity Blues
“Track and field has had a home in my heart for the past twelve years. It’s how I keep myself healthy, both physically and mentally.”

Jade Lenton, BCom '25
“Some people call track athletes crazy because we love to run, but it’s not just the running that I love,” she said. “It’s having a constant, positive outlet to turn to on good days and bad ones. It’s seeing and feeling improvements in my body from week to week, month to month, and year to year.”
For Jade, celebrating small accomplishments and improvements is a central idea to measuring progress. She believes that facing a physical, mental or emotional challenge of any size is never easy and deserves to be recognized and celebrated. She defines success as a process of repeatedly overcoming obstacles.
“Success looks different every single day,” said Jade. “Somedays, success looks like getting a smile out of someone who’s had a rough day. Other times, it looks like a podium and a cheering team. But what each scenario will always share is overcoming an obstacle, no matter how small.”
She adds that learning how to enjoy and appreciate the small things is one of the standout lessons from her first month and a half as a university student. This realization aligns with some of her goals for her experience in the Rotman Commerce program, particularly those related to appreciating the community.
“As a first-year student, one of the things I’m most looking forward to at RC is meeting like-minded individuals,” said Jade. “I’m grateful for the opportunity to work with people who share similar interests and are keen to use creativity and critical thinking to leave an impact for the better on our society.”
Jade is also looking forward to expanding her academic horizons. She hopes that Rotman Commerce will provide her with key technical skills and conceptual views. “I’m hoping to leave university confident that I have the ability to see my ideas and dreams all the way through from thought conception to reality,” she said.
Looking ahead, Jade’s long-term goals include qualifying as an individual athlete to Canada’s national track and field championship and making the finals race.
October 21, 2021