Summer Abroad
U of T Courses
U of T’s Summer Abroad program allows students to complete select U of T courses taught by U of T instructors in a location relevant to the course topic. Each year, a number of commerce courses are offered, in addition to many Arts & Science courses, that our students choose to complete, such as a second language, political science, or history course through the Summer Abroad program. Please note that MGT courses will count as RSM for Rotman Commerce courses. These courses can also be helpful in completing certain focuses in addition to the requirement 15, 0.5 credit must be related to International Business, within the Management Specialist.
Please review the application process and attend information sessions to learn more about this opportunity. Application deadlines are usually scheduled for end of January or early February. Please note that there is a cost associated with each Summer Abroad course that is outside of U of T tuition fees. Please review the cost on the Summer Abroad FAQ page.

Rotman Commerce Summer Abroad Courses
The link to Summer Abroad Courses:
Note that all MGT courses will be counted as RSM for RC students.
MGT395Y0 – Business Modeling & Global Organizations (South Korea)
Applies towards:
• Focus in Leadership in Organizations: Requirement 2
• Focus in International Business (UofT Global Scholar): Requirement 2
MGT396Y0 – Inclusive Consulting with Micro-Enterprises (South Africa)
Applies towards:
• Focus in Strategy and Innovation: Requirement 2
• Focus in International Business (UofT Global Scholar): Requirement 2
MGT397Y0 – Banks and Markets: History, Economics and Regulation (Italy)
Applies towards:
• Focus in Finance: Requirement 2
• Focus in International Business (UofT Global Scholar): Requirement 2
ECO250Y0 – Big Data Tools and Applied Machine Learning for Economists (England)
Applies towards:
• Focus in Data Science in Business: Requirement 3 (this course will count as a 0.5 credit instead of ECO225H1)
“Study abroad really took me out of my comfort zone and the prospect of being surrounded by a completely unfamiliar environment initially made me apprehensive about the whole experience. However, it provided me with the rare opportunity to take a step back from the everyday life I was used to and really take in the world and people around me. The experience enabled me to grow as an individual through meeting various people at different stages of life as well as traveling to many countries and experiencing a whole world of places and cultures outside of what I’m familiar with.”