RC Start Up
RC Start Up is an all-inclusive program that runs during the summer before you start classes. It is designed to support and prepare you as you transition from high school to university, incorporating Rotman Commerce’s Academic Advising and Student Life Offices, along with the Faculty of Arts & Science’s Arrive Ready summer series. We understand that adjusting to a new environment, a new city and a new learning style can take time, which is why we encourage your active participation.
Registration will open in June and all students who have accepted their offer will be invited by email. Check back throughout the spring for updates.
Arrive Ready
New Arts & Science students — participate in Arrive Ready over the summer to boost your academic preparation for first-year courses and start building your community at U of T. Arrive Ready is a free online program that includes:
- One-on-one peer support from an upper-year student offering tips for starting U of T
- Weekly webinars where you can get to know your peers and future professors
- Study groups and modules to prepare you for university-level learning
Program modules will run throughout the summer and will be tailored to your area of study. You will also be invited to join or lead a study group with your peers and future classmates — a perfect opportunity to start building your U of T community!
Academic Advising Webinars
Join us online throughout the summer as we offer a new session on a common topic of interest. These webinars are an ideal compliment to the Faculty of Arts & Science’s Arrive Ready summer programming. Learn more and register for each session below.
Ready for Course Enrolment Session
Learn everything you need to know about Course Enrolment to successfully choose your Rotman Commerce courses and build your first-year schedule. We’ll cover the BCOM degree and specialist requirements, your required and recommended courses and First-Year Learning Communities (FLCs). Meet the RC Academic Services team and find out about the wide variety of resources available to help you succeed academically.
Course Enrolment Basics & Transfer Credits
Please review the recording of the “Ready for Course Enrolment” session from July 3rd prior to attending this session!
In this session, we’ll address the following questions (but please bring your own as well!):
- How will course enrolment work?
- What should I consider when choosing my elective course(s)?
- Should I consider a higher-level Math course?
Learn the key benefits of IB and AP transfer credits, which can count toward your program requirements.
Course enrolment – Last minute questions, Academic Policies, & Important Dates
We encourage you to review the Course Selection Modules and recording of the “Ready for Course Enrolment” session from July 3rd prior to attending this session! Bring your last-minute questions! We’ll also breakdown key policies and dates every student needs to know, such as adding and dropping a course, Late Withdrawals (LWD), the ever-important credit/no credit (CR/NCR) option and more!
Gearing up for First-Year Learning Communities (FLCs)
Learn more about what FLC is all about and how to make the most of your First Year Learning Community. Some of our Peer Mentors will be on hand for your questions!
Campus Resources & Final Q&A before September– Ask Us Anything!
We will teach you how to build your own support network at UofT and establish a team of professionals to champion your academic and personal success! This session is a free-for-all! We welcome any questions you have or topics you would like more information about.
Y1 Faculty Panel Q&A
Y1 Faculty Panel Q&A: Ready for your First Year RSM Courses
In this interactive Q&A session, you will meet some of your first year Rotman Commerce professors and gain valuable tips as you prepare for first year studies as a Rotman Commerce student. You’ll get an idea of what to expect in the first year required and recommended RSM courses, learn strategies for success for your first year of studies, and have a chance to ask your questions. We will be joined by upper year students and one of our RC Academic Services staff members. We’re looking forward to meeting you!
Dates TBA
Our first-year orientation will introduce you to the ins and outs of life at Rotman Commerce.
Separate from your College orientation, Rotman Commerce orientation events are specifically geared to our students. You’ll get an introduction to our student organizations and the RC Houses, and gain some tips on how to make the most out of your first year—both in and out of the classroom.
First-Year Learning Communities (FLCs)
Our mission is to provide students with the knowledge, resources, and social support to help ease the transition experience to have an academically successful first year. First-Year Learning Communities (FLCs) introduce you to the opportunities, culture, and benefits of the campus and its surrounding community – all in a laid-back, student-led atmosphere.
Each FLC is comprised of 25 to 30 students and provides first-year students with the opportunity to meet classmates, develop friendships, form study groups, and develop academic and personal skills that will help you adjust to university life.
Our FLCs are run by upper-year peer mentors who have been in your shoes and know what it’s like to be in first year. And to help you make friends in your classes, we try to ensure that your FLC-mates are enrolled in the same required first-year sections with you so you’ll always know people who can support you in your studies!
Contact us at rotmancommerce.flc@utoronto.ca to learn more.